Making a purchase is pretty easy. Just browse our store, and add any items that you wish to buy into the shopping cart. After you have finished your selection, click on 'Checkout' and you will be asked for a few details that we need to be able to complete the order.
- Nursing, pacifier bibs, tablewaer
- Nursery
- Bedding
- For children
- Shoes, clothes, accessories
- Interior
Liberty Fabrics, fabrics etc
- New in stock
- Liberty Fabrics Tana Lawn®
- CHRISTMAS Liberty Fabrics, Limited fabrics
- Organic Liberty Fabrics Tana Lawn
- Plain Liberty Tana Lawn®
- Liberty silk, linnen, poplin etc.
- Lasenby Liberty quilting fabric
- Deadstock / overskudsmetervarer fra designhuse
- William Morris & Co.
- Fibre Mood fabrics
- Muslin, double gauze
- Plain cotton poplin and twill
- Bomuldspoplin med tern, striber
- Bomuld med print
- Bomuld striber, tern
- Linnen fabric
- Fløjl stof
- Seersucker etc.
- musselin gaze, corduroy , velvet
- Uld
- Viskose
- Silke
- Organic fabrics
- Oilcloth, coated fabrics
- Øvrigt til syning
- Indlægsstof og foerstof
- Termostof, quiltet stof
- Polyester og andre kunststoffer
Andre metervarer
- Sy-selv pakker
- Holiday-prices Liberty Fabrics